127 lines
3.7 KiB
127 lines
3.7 KiB
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, MultiWayIf #-}
module Main where
import Data.Functor
import Data.List
import Data.Matrix hiding (trace)
import Debug.Trace
data Dir where
N,E,W,S :: Dir
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Pos where
Marked :: Pos
Unmarked :: Pos
Guard :: Dir -> Pos
Crate :: Pos
Obstacle :: Pos
deriving Eq
instance Show Pos where
show = \case
Unmarked -> "."
Marked -> "X"
Guard N -> "^"
Guard E -> ">"
Guard W -> "<"
Guard S -> "v"
Crate -> "#"
Obstacle -> "O"
parse :: String -> Matrix Pos
parse = fromLists . (((\case
'.' -> Unmarked
'X' -> Marked
'^' -> Guard N
'>' -> Guard E
'<' -> Guard W
'v' -> Guard S
'#' -> Crate
'O' -> Obstacle
) <$>) <$>) . lines
guardPos :: Matrix Pos -> (Int, Int, Dir)
guardPos s = let
s' = toLists s
Just y = findIndex (any (\case
Guard _ -> True
_ -> False)) s'
Just x = findIndex (\case
Guard _ -> True
_ -> False) (s' !! y)
d = (\case
Guard a -> a
_ -> error ""
) (getElem (y+1) (x+1) s)
move :: Matrix Pos -> (Int, Int, Dir) -> Matrix Pos
move s (y,x,d) = let (y',x',d') = case d of
N -> (y-1,x,E)
E -> (y,x+1,S)
W -> (y,x-1,N)
S -> (y+1,x,W)
t = getElem y' x' s
case t of
Crate -> setElem (Guard d') (y,x) s
Obstacle -> setElem (Guard d') (y,x) s
_ -> setElem (Guard d) (y',x') $ setElem Marked (y,x) s
traversal :: Matrix Pos -> Matrix Pos
traversal s = let i@(y,x,d) = guardPos s in
if | y == 1 && d == N -> s
| y == nrows s && d == S -> s
| x == 1 && d == W -> s
| x == ncols s && d == E -> s
| otherwise -> traversal $ move s i
solve1 :: Matrix Pos -> Int
solve1 = sum . (length . filter (\case
Marked -> True
Guard _ -> True
_ -> False
) <$>) . toLists . traversal
isLoop :: Matrix Pos -> [(Int,Int,Dir)] -> Bool
isLoop s v = let i@(y,x,d) = guardPos s
s' = move s i in
if | y == 1 && d == N -> False
| y == nrows s && d == S -> False
| x == 1 && d == W -> False
| x == ncols s && d == E -> False
| elem i v -> True
| otherwise -> isLoop s' (i:v)
traversal' :: Matrix Pos -> [(Int,Int)] -> [(Int,Int)]
traversal' s v = let i@(y,x,d) = guardPos s
inf = case d of
N -> (y-1,x)
E -> (y,x+1)
W -> (y,x-1)
S -> (y+1,x)
if | y == 1 && d == N -> v
| y == nrows s && d == S -> v
| x == 1 && d == W -> v
| x == ncols s && d == E -> v
| otherwise ->
let t = (setElem Obstacle inf s) in
--trace ("t: " ++ show t) $
if isLoop t []
then traversal' (move s i) ((y,x):v)
else traversal' (move s i) v
solve2 :: Matrix Pos -> Int
solve2 s = length . (`traversal'` []) $ s
main :: IO ()
main = readFile "inputs/6" <&> parse >>= \i ->
print (solve1 i) >>
print (solve2 i)