#+Title: If found, please connect
#+subtitle: How can transgender connection be expressed
#+AUTHOR: Nor Führ
#+EMAIL: pingu@chalmers.se
#+REVEAL_ROOT: ./reveal.js
#+REVEAL_INIT_OPTIONS: slideNumber:false
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil
#+OPTIONS: num:nil
# How to force split `#+REVEAL: split`
* The game
Created by [[https://store.steampowered.com/app/1041920/If_Found/][DREAMFEEL]] in 2020
* Erasure
Actions available are
- Erase in the main narrative
- Write and draw in the epilogue
#+REVEAL: split
#+REVEAL: split
- Past
- Future
* Space adventures
How do you depict the severeness of a normal situation?
How do you the same if the person you are trying to represent has anxiety?
#+REVEAL: split
* Depictions
#+REVEAL: split
#+REVEAL: split
#+REVEAL: split
* Reflections
- Coming out
- Dysphoria
- Lived experience
* Questions?